COVID-19 Signage

University Communications has designed a variety of signs, floor stickers and other materials to be used to indicate protocols and best practices within our spaces as faculty, staff and students return to campus and our centers. Signage includes posters for both indoor and outdoor areas where facial coverings are required; checklists of surfaces to disinfect in research spaces; best practices for sharing elevators; COVID-19 symptoms; etc. The link to the Box folder containing these materials is below:

Here is where you come in. UComm is asking that each unit, department and center determine their signage needs and then handle printing and posting of signs. Please identify a point person within your department, center or unit to work closely with Facilities Management and Environmental Health and Safety to work to identify where signs and stickers are needed.

One other note: IANR may have additional signage needs because of the unique work that we do. UComm has created templates that are customizable, but if you think that there are any unmet signage needs that span multiple departments or buildings, UComm or our own IANR designers can create additional materials.

Feel free to reach out to me with any questions. Thanks everyone!

Cara Pesek
Communications Director
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Office of Vice Pres/Vice Chancellor