Want to win $100 toward your 2014 local centennial celebration? Share your stories with us!

Share Your Extension Story and Win!
Share Your Extension Story and Win!

Whether your work has changed the state of Nebraska, or even one person's life, it is important. It's time to share your story. How have you and your team made a difference – in someone's life, your community, or even across the state of Nebraska? Your story could consist of a few sentences or paragraphs including:
• how you or your team have helped a client
• your clients' testimonials
• a great story about Extension you've heard about in any community from any time period
• photos to go along with the story
• what Extension means to you and your community

These stories will be utilized throughout next year during the year-long celebration for the Nebraska Extension Centennial. Your story – big or small – matters. We'd love to hear your story.

Stories submitted will be reviewed through the end of October. A committee will review and select the top five stories to be highlighted and recognized at the NCEA Conference. The top story winner will receive $100 to put toward their local centennial celebration.

Submit your stories to Allison Bennett at abennett4@unl.edu by November 1, 2013.