Technology 2020 Planning Update

On May 1 & 2 a group of 25 people will be in Lincoln to participate in a Technology 2020 Planning Retreat. The group will include UNL Extension educators, specialists, administrators, and consultants (internal and external). The group’s charge is to explore and make recommendations as to how the organization will identify, adopt and apply information technologies in the future. To help people prepare for the retreat, a list of links to various ideas, thoughts, and concepts germane to the planning discussion has been provided. I’m sure there are many other resources that could be shared. If you have a favorite, please feel free to add it, the page is a Google doc with edit enabled --

If you are interested in a source describing the future of a networked world, I might suggest reviewing Digital Life in 2025 -- The Pew Research Internet Project in cooperation with Elon University’s Imagining the Internet Center produced it. Over time they have produced a number of such reports, this being the latest. Interesting to read what industry experts believe may happen over the next 10 years. While optimism abounds there are also voices of concern. When you consider it took years for the printing press to manifest itself in society, we need to remember the Internet is really in its infancy. Stay tuned…

-- Dan Cotton