LB429 Taxpayer Transparency Act Training – May 8

LB429 Taxpayer Transparency Act Training – May 8
UNL/IANR Compliance for Processing Contracts and Agreements

Julie Dexter, UNL Procurement, will present training to the Nebraska Research and Extension Centers and County Extension Office faculty and staff regarding LB429 requirements and UNL Procurement processes at 2:30 p.m. CDT, Thursday, May 8, via Adobe Connect. The training is recommended for anyone responsible for expending State funds from UNL Cost Objects for the purchase of goods and services and/or initiating revenue generating contracts. Topics will include contract and service agreement types, contract routing processes, signature authority, certificate of insurance and conflict of interest.

What is LB429? Nebraska Legislative Bill (LB) 429 recently amended Nebraska law to require all state agencies, including the University of Nebraska, to provide the Nebraska Department of Administrative Services a copy of “each contract or subcontract that is a basis for an expenditure of state funds, including any documents incorporated by reference in the contract or subcontract” as of January 1, 2014.

Adobe Connect Instructions
• The link for the May 8 Adobe Connect training is
• Make sure your speakers are turned on or use headphones.
• Select the option to Enter as a Guest.
• Type your name or office location, then click the Enter Room button.
• If you have questions for Julie, use the Chat function.
• If you are unable to attend this meeting, the Adobe Connect recording link will be emailed to the allcnty listserv the following day.

Please share this information with others who may have an interest in learning more about LB429 and University compliance.

-- Ruby Urban