Save the dates - 21st Century Extension


You have all heard me talk about 21st Century Extension, the idea that our next century of Extension work is even more exciting than the first century. Our challenge (and opportunity) is to grab that vision and create important conversations about what this might look like and how we might go about achieving our vision. In the next eight months we will provide some very exciting conversations about the future of UNL Extension. Please place the following dates on your calendar, we want everyone involved.

UNL Extension Fall Conference:

I am very excited about the agenda that is taking shape for our UNL Extension Fall Conference on November 12-14. Several high profile speakers will engage us on a variety of perspectives about our future and robust tabletop discussions about how we get there. More info to come.

To set the table for these conversations, we have scheduled three webinars:

• 11:00 am CDT, Monday, August 18 - Excellence in Extension, the Technology 2020 plan, Extension¹s workplace culture

• 11:00 am CDT, Thursday, September 11 - How will the Excellence in Extension concept inform our staffing decisions, professional development and workplace culture?

• 11:00 am CDT, Thursday, October 9 - How will the Excellence in Extension concept affect Extension employees and the work that we do?

Please go to the Adobe Connect link Chat With Chuck (, audio will be on your computer speakers. All sessions will be archived for those who cannot make these dates.

Eureka 2015! will be March 17, 2015 at the Nebraska Innovation Campus in Lincoln and March 18, 2015 at the University of Nebraska-Omaha. Look for more exciting information from Mark Riley and Linda Boeckner about our next version of Eureka 2015!, more great stuff to come!!!

Please let me know if you have questions.
