All Extension Retirees Get-together on November 3, 2014

It's time for a get-together in Aurora, November 3, 2014 at the Senior Center in Aurora, NE (north side of the Court House, one block west on the north side of the street).

We will start at 11:30 AM with wine tasting and then dinner at 12:00 noon.

Reservations can be made directly to Senior Center by calling 402-694-2176 by October 27.

Cost $5.00, you can't beat it.

Plan to attend. We want to know what you have been doing, the grand kids and all the ailments you may have.

This does not take the place of the Retiree meeting during Fall Conference on November 13, 2014.

J. C. Cranfill
County Agent Retired

Keith Niemann
UNL Extension Retiree

George Woolsey
County Agent Retired