Educational Technology Learning Network (eXtension)

eXtension has launched a new resource, the Educational Technology Learning Network. The network will provide sharing and learning opportunities among Extension professionals and private sector technology experts interested in integrating technologies in Extension programming. Extension professionals are encouraged to join the network and share how they are integrating technology into Extension programs and work. To get involved one can share stories on the community page or post online using the hashtag #EdTechLN. The network would like to know the technology a person is using; how it’s being used; and individual goals for using educational technologies.

To join the community please visit and click the Join button at the top of the page. Other options to connect include:
• Facebook:
• Google +:
• Twitter: @ExtEdTechs, #EdTechLN

It promises to be a great source for information and examples of how technologies are being used to engage and reach audiences. It’s worth taking a look and networking with peers.

-- Dan Cotton