New and Revised Publications

New and Revised Publications

G1966 -- Understanding the Pesticide Label
This NebGuide describes the parts of a pesticide label to aid in understanding and promoting safe and effective use of pesticide products. 06/01/15

G1503 -- Management Strategies to Reduce the Rate of Soil Acidification
Soil acidification is a gradual process that results from long-term intensive crop production. The rate of this process depends on soil type and management practices. This publication includes information about management practices that reduce the rate of soil acidification. 05/29/15

G1998 -- Common Root Rot and Fusarium Foot Rot of Wheat
Common root rot and Fusarium foot rot are fungal diseases common in dryland winter wheat and in no-till and continuous cropping systems. In the fall, seed treatment fungicides provide an early window of protection against common root rot and seedling blights caused by Fusarium spp. 05/18/15