New and Revised Publications

New and Revised Publications Available on the Web

G2264 -- Effect of Grazing Double-Cropped Annual Forages on Soil and Crop Yields
Incorporating grazing of double-crop annual forages is a way for producers to increase revenue from crop acres while capturing the soil benefits of cover crops. This publication discusses the impacts of grazing double-cropped forages on soil compaction and soil organic matter. 06/11/15

G2259 -- Managing Soybean Defoliators
Defoliation, leaf feeding of soybean leaves by insects, is the most commonly observed type of soybean insect injury and can occur from emergence to harvest. But soybean plants have the ability to compensate for insect defoliation. When making soybean pest-management decisions, a crucial consideration is the size of the remaining leaf canopy and the soybean plants' stage of growth.