Apply for the NCEA/ESP Professional Development Scholarships by October 1. The $500 scholarship may be used toward professional development, excluding the Nebraska NCEA conference.
The application is at the NCEA website at:
Go to the upper right hand corner and enter “scholarship application” into the search bar. It should pull up the most recent form dated 2015, and you will be able to download the word document to edit.
The completed application must be returned electronically or as a hard copy. The scholarship will be issued once the professional development has been completed and the expense voucher has been submitted. The number of scholarships awarded will be based upon interest funds generated from the professional development NCEA account.
After the October 1 due date, the next application date is March 1. Applications are considered equally regardless of the date of the professional development experience. If one professional development occurs in May and another in November, both will be considered equally based upon the merit of the application.
All paid NCEA or ESP members are eligible to apply for professional development which occurs after March 1. If you have questions, email Brenda Aufdenkamp at
-- Brenda Aufdenkamp
More details at: