Diffusions of Innovations Course 9 (Graduate Level, Fall 2016)

A change agent influences innovative decisions in a direction deemed desirable by a business, agency, or organization. This course will discuss key characteristics of change agents as well as processes by which they influence the introduction, adoption, and diffusion of technological changes in society. This course is applicable to those who are responsible for bringing about change in their community.

Course Objectives:
Upon successful completion of this course, learners will be able to:

1. Compare and contrast the common elements of change theories across various disciplines.
2. Describe the major concepts upon which the adoption and diffusion of technological changes are based.
3. Develop a plan in the context of agriculture, community development, etc. for the introduction, adoption, and diffusion of technological change based on major course concepts.
4. Synthesize multiple approaches to change across various contexts.

Course Philosophy:
This course is designed to provide you with a theoretical foundation that will help you to become a change agent who thinks critically about what needs to be done and why. The assignments are meant to challenge you to think through each week’s topic from a scholarly perspective. In general change is difficult and effective strategy must be in place for change to happen.

More details at: https://unl.box.com/s/wk7w97ikpnke9mz0wkwn58loms1ue7k1