Backyard Farmer gardens open to the public Oct. 1

Backyard Farmer garden
Backyard Farmer garden

Have you seen the Backyard Farmer garden and turf garden on the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s East Campus lately? Would you like to see the completed Keim Hall courtyard landscaping project? See all of this and get your lawn and garden questions answered on Saturday, Oct. 1, from 9:30 a.m. to noon, at this year’s final Backyard Farmer gardens open house.

Nebraska Master Gardeners along with BYF host Kim Todd, associate professor and extension horticulture specialist, will be at the BYF garden to guide tours, talk about fall gardening, extended gardening and composting, as well as answer your gardening questions. There will be an opportunity to see Keim Courtyard and find out what went into the creation of this beautiful space.

Bill Kreuser, assistant professor and extension turfgrass specialist; Cole Thompson, integrated turfgrass weed and disease management assistant professor; Keenan Amundsen, turfgrass genetics assistant professor; turf graduate students and the UNL Turf Club will be at the BYF Turf garden on the north side of East Campus to answer your lawn questions. Tours will focus on lawn species demonstrations and the importance of selecting the right grass, turf weed identification and control strategies, mowing research and best lawn mowing practices and calibrating application equipment. The UNL Turf Club will hold lawn games with prizes.

The BYF garden is located at and BYF turf garden is located at

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