There is something for everyone at the Law College during October, including the first Big Ten Faculty Colloquium, the State Bar meeting, Faculty Appointments, and the continuation of the S.T.I.R. talks and the brown bag lunch series.
Your participation in these events helps make our Law College community a vibrant, active place. We had over 100 students and faculty at the first S.T.I.R. talk in September and with much better speakers scheduled for October (Eric Berger on the 17th) and November (Sandi Zellmer on the 8th), you can bet that the crowd will be even bigger!
Matt Finkin from Illinois kicks off our Big Ten Faculty Colloquium series on Monday, October 8. He will talk about Employee Self-Representation in the United States. He is a prolific and well-known labor and employment scholar, who I am sure will give an interesting and thought-provoking talk. Lunch will be served - please RSVP to Jamie by Thursday, October 4. Also, two other faculty colloquia are scheduled in October: Robert Audi on Oct. 18 and Ben Trachtenberg (Missouri) on Oct. 22.
The Appointments Committee is interviewing in Washington, D.C. on October 12, which means that we will likely have some faculty candidates visit at the end of October. Please reserve Oct. 19 and 26 for those visits.
If there is no faculty candidate on Oct. 19, there will be another faculty brown bag lunch. This topic will be a reprise of the lunch from last May on Zotero - the best way I have found to organize research electronically.
Also, the annual Alumni lunch at the State Bar Meeting is Thursday, October 25. This is a great event, and well worth the short drive to La Vista.
Finally, please take a minute to review the rest of the Newsletter to read about the great things our colleagues have done in the past month (listed in reverse alphabetical order...why should Z's always be last, right Sandi?). If you would like something listed here and/or on the webpage, please let Molly or me know!
I hope everyone has a terrific month!
Here is the calendar for October and November:
Oct. 2 - 12:10 - Faculty Meeting
Oct. 5 - 3:45 - 2nd Yeutter Distinguished Visiting Professor - Lecture by Jeffrey J. Schott
Oct. 8 - 12:10 - BIG 10 Speakers Series: Professor Matt Finkin, Illinois
Oct. 11 - 12:00 - Kristiina Kangaspunta, Executive Officer, United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI). Tentative title for the talk is Human Trafficking: A Global and Local Perspective.
Oct. 15 - Fall Break – no classes
Oct. 17 - 4:00 - Prof. Berger S.T.I.R. talk
Oct. 18 - Noon - Faculty CLE Speaker: Robert Audi
Oct. 19 - Noon - Brown Bag Lunch Series: Zotero and Organizing Your Research (reprise)
Oct. 22 - Noon - Faculty Colloquium: Ben Trachtenberg
Oct. 25 - Noon - NSBA Meeting: Alumni Lunch @ Embassy Suites La Vista
Oct. 30 - 9:00 - 8th Circuit arguments held at College @ Auditorium
Oct. 31 - Trick or Treat at the Law College
Nov. 5 - 4:30 - American Indian Law Symposium: Chief Chad Smith
Nov. 8 - Noon - Masters’ Week Speaker
- 4:00 - Prof. Zellmer S.T.I.R. talk
Nov. 9 - 3:00 - Prof. Dooling Ethics CLE
- 4:15 - Reunion Cocktail Party @ Law College
Nov. 10 - TBA - Law College tailgate Penn State @ Nebraska City Campus Union
Nov. 12 - 12:10 - Faculty CLE Speaker: Professor Sam Walker, UNO
Nov. 13 - 12:10 - Faculty Meeting
Nov. 13 - 4:30 - Latino Leadership Symposia-Judge Christina Perez
Nov. 16 - Noon - Brown Bag Lunch Series: Electronic Research – New Ideas
Nov. 21-23 - Thanksgiving Break – no classes
Nov. 30 - Last Day of Classes
Nov. 30 - 3:15 - Yuetter Seminar Distinguished Visiting Professor: Kym Anderson, Professor of Economics, University of Adelaide and Australian National University; Hamann Auditorium