Two weeks ago, the newsletter focused on the upcoming year. Now I want to look backward to the many wonderful accomplishments from our faculty over the summer. I hope you enjoy reading about the great things your colleagues are doing! Continue reading…
Professor Sandi Zellmer has had a busy 2013. This year she has published a new text book and three new articles. Continue reading…
This summer, Professor Steve Willborn delivered the keynote address at a conference sponsored by the International Association of Labor Law Journals and the Cetre du Droit Compare du Travail et de law Securite Sociale, among other things. Continue reading…
Professor Frans von der Dunk was quoted in a July 31 Financial Times article about the legal issues surrounding space tourism.
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Assistant Professor Christal Sheppard was quoted in the July 30 POLITICO about Apple Inc.'s "lone wolf strategy." Sheppard spoke of her experience with the computer giant during her time as chief counsel for patents and trademarks for the House Judiciary Committee.
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"Exclusive: Smithfield deal may face state hurdles as Midwest laws eyed"
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Associate Professor Steve Schmidt received a courtesy appointment as an Associate Professor of UNL's Forensic Science. His appointment has a five-year term and allows him to actively participate in teaching, research, and extension activities of the Forensic Science department. Continue reading…
Professor Jo Potuto was quoted in a NYT article, "A Heisman Winner, and Rule Book, Under Fire," Florida Football’s Top Lawyer, WSJ article, "Congressman Weighs Bill Aimed at Remaking NCAA Infractions Process" and CHE article, "Congressman Weighs Bill Aimed at Remaking NCAA Infractions Process".
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Professor Frans von der Dunk and Dean Susan Poser recently attended the Luxembourg Workshop where the topic of the workshop was "Satellite Communication and Dispute Resolution". Continue reading…
Associate Dean and Professor Richard Moberly was in the national and international news as several media outlets sought his opinion about national security leaker, Edward Snowden and the NSA surveillance program. Continue reading…
Professor John Lenich spoke on electronic discovery at the 2013 Nebraska County Judges' Summer Education Meeting on June 26. Continue reading…
New Assistant Professor Gus Hurwitz is already an active scholar, and recently posted to the Truth on the Market Blog Symposium. Continue reading…
Professor Rick Duncan was recently interviewed for a story on religion and the "blue laws" that aired on Nebraska Public Radio. The story addresses the 100th anniversary of the vote by the Nebraska State Legislature to end the "blue law" that prohibited playing baseball on Sundays. Continue reading…
Assistant Professor of Law Library Marcia Dority-Baker co-presented with Roger Skalbeck from Georgetown at CALIcon13 (Conference for Law School Computing) held at ITT Chicago-Kent College of Law on June 13th. Continue reading…
Assistant Professor Beth Burkstrand Reid's work “Dirty Harry Meets Dirty Diapers: Masculinities, At-Home Fathers, and Making the Law Work for Families” was selected for republication in the book Women and the Law, published by Thompson Reuters. Continue reading…
Professor Steve Bradford traveled to Seoul, Korea to deliver, "Facilitating Small Business Capital Formation: The JOBS Act, Crowdfunding, and Internet Securities Offerings," at the 23rd Anniversary International Academic Conference of the Korean Legislation Research Institute. Continue reading…
Assistant Professor Kristen M. Blankley was recently elected the Vice President of the Nebraska Mediation Association, the largest statewide association of mediators in the state of Nebraska. Continue reading…
In the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court's rulings on DOMA and Proposition 8, Associate Professor Eric Berger spoke with local media about the decisions and their impact in Nebraska. Continue reading…
"In Nebraska, Iowa, no immediate impact from affirmative action ruling"
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The International Law Weekend of the American Branch of the International Law Association (ABILA), which will be held in New York City on October 24-26, 2013, is the premier international law event of the fall season. Continue reading…