Welcome Back!

We have an exciting year of events planned for faculty, beginning with today's workshop about Teaching Millennials, led by Paula Manning. The workshop is from 3:30 to 5:00 in Room 125, and a reception will follow.

Our brown bag lunches will continue, with what I hope will be interesting topics. The first one is on September 5 about Supervising Externships. Please come and share your successes and failures (your hopes, your dreams, your critiques, etc.). We will have a surprise special guest who supervised an externship this summer and can give us the perspective of the other side of the process.

The STIR talk series continues as well, with Brian Lepard kicking it off on September 19 at 4:00. John Lenich (Oct. 24) and Rick Duncan (Nov. 7) will also present this fall.

A complete calendar has been posted to the Wiki: lawfacwiki.unl.edu.

The next edition of the newsletter will highlight some faculty achievements from the summer. Please let me know if you have good news you would like to pass on to the rest of the faculty!