Article and Idea of the Month

Institute for Law Teaching and Learning
Institute for Law Teaching and Learning

You can find both the article and the idea at
The idea of the month is titled, "Reading" the Classroom: Encouraging Students to Perform Assigned Readings. Written by Tonya Kowalski, it contains great ideas for getting students to read what you ask them to read.
The featured article this month is by, David M. Moss, and is titled, The Hidden Curriculum of Legal Education: Toward a Holistic Model for Reform, published in the 2013 Journal of Dispute Resolution 19 (2013). Reviewed by Jeremiah Ho, this article is quite timely and really hones in on law education reform.
Don't forget our annual conference being held in Chicago at Northwestern Law School, June 25-26. This conference is based on the book, What the Best Law Teachers Do. Please see our website for additional information about this.