Professor Sandi Zellmer wrote "Knowing the Mississippi" for the first issue of "Open Rivers," a new online publication from the University of Minnesota. The full article can be found here:
On January 21, 2016, Professor Catherine Wilson served as the moderator for a panel entitled “What Does Dr. King's Dream Mean in 2016?: Locally, Nationally and Globally.” This panel was part of UNL's Martin Luther King, Jr. Week. Continue reading…
Professor Adam Thimmesch's article, "Taxing Honesty," was accepted and published at 118 W. Va. L. Rev. 147. Continue reading…
Professor Jessica Shoemaker presented at the AALS Property Section breakfast on January 7, 2016 and at the University of Arizona Tribal Lands Conference. Shoemaker was also quoted discussing the dispute the Omaha Tribe is bringing before the Supreme Court. Continue reading…
Professor Anthony Schutz was quoted in the article, "TransCanada Fights Keystone Denial With $15 Billion Appeal." The article discusses TransCanada's appeal under Chapter 11 of Nafta. Read the full article here:
Professor Jo Potuto is quoted in the Inside Higher Ed article, "Kicking the Can?" The article discusses athletes' frustration with the lack of "significant legislation" regarding time demands of athletes. Read the full article here:
Professor Colleen Medill presented "Emerging Employee Claims Under the Affordable Care Act" at the 2016 AALS annual meeting. Medill was also part of a panel presentation on “The State of the ACA after King v. Burwell.” Continue reading…
Professor Richard Leiter's new edition and database version of "National Survey of State Laws" was released by HeinOnline. The seventh edition provides an overall view of some of the most sought-after and controversial legal topics in the U.S. Read more about the release:
Professor Gus Hurwitz has been following Apple's opposition of a judge's order to help the Federal Bureau of Investigation break into the iPhone of one of the San Bernadino, California shooters. Read the media coverage here:
Professor Rick Duncan's article, "Legislative Prayer, the Supreme Court of the United States, and Two Concepts of Religious Liberty," was published in Humanities and Social Sciences Review. Duncan also presented "Is the University Still a Free Market for Ideas: Free Speech vs. Censorship on Campus." Continue reading…
Professor Eric Berger's article, "Gross Error," was accepted by the Washington Law Review. The article critiques the Supreme Court's recent lethal injection decision in Glossip v. Gross. Berger also presented "Institutional Competence in Glossip v. Gross" at the 2016 AALS Annual Meeting.