The Ethics Center and Grad Student Association are excited to invite all grad students, professional students, and post-docs to join us on the last Monday of every month for conversation about ethical issues that affect them! The Grad Student Ethics Lunches provide great opportunities for grad students, professional students, and post-docs to engage with one another about ethical issues that matter to them in their various roles as students, teachers, researchers, and community members. This forum provides a space in which participants can discuss their own knowledge and experiences - experiences that are typically shared by many other grad students throughout the disciplines. These discussions also highlight why it is important for graduate students to maintain a culture of ethics in their labs, classrooms, labs, and social groups. We hope to see a lot of new faces this year! And remember, grad students should never pass up an opportunity for a free lunch :-)
The topic for the first discussion will be:
Facebook, Privacy, and Professionalism
Monday, September 24; 12:30-1:30 in the Nebraska Union
Grad students & post-docs who would like to join the conversation, and receive a lunch free of charge, should RSVP by noon on Thursday, September 20. Or, if you would like to bring your own lunch, feel free to just show up! To RSVP, or if you have any questions, please email Steven Swartzer at [].
Please post the attached flier in your department and encourage the graduate students and post-docs in your program to attend.
Thank you for supporting ethics at UNL!