SBA Elections

SBA Elections
SBA Elections

It's hard to believe that it's already time to be thinking of Student Organization Elections for the 2013-2014 Academic Year. But with that brings good new: 1Ls, you're closer to being done with your FIRST year of law school and 2Ls, you're closer to being able to think about the impending Bar Exam!

1Ls, are you looking to get more involved with the Nebraska Legal Community? Perhaps with the fantastic and well-respected Student Bar Association?

3Ls, have you ever wanted to go to San Francisco and attend the ABA's Annual Conference where approximately 60,000 practicing attorneys are there? Talk about NETWORKING before entering the real legal world! Then running for SBA President or ABA-LSD Rep may be calling your name!

Important Dates:

Wednesday, February 27 by end of Day:
Candidate Materials are due and MUST be printed
-Candidate Information Sheet (don't have to follow it exactly)
-Disclosure Form ** Read the Bylaws **
-SBA Signatures **PLEASE, SBA Members ONLY**
*It is YOUR responsibility to ensure that ONLY SBA Members sign. Having non-SBA members and/or failing to get both PRINT and signed names, may be grounds for disqualification.*
-You MAY have flyers, etc... however, they must be approved prior to circulation; see Bylaws for more info.

Wednesday, March 6 by end of Day:
-Candidate Bios & Info posted in the student lounge

Positions to be filled: Class Officers: Pres, VP, Reps and SBA Execs: Pres, VP, Treasurer, Secretary, ABA-LSD Rep.

For a brief description of the available positions & their respective responsibilities or if you have questions contact Nema Koohmaraie, SBA Executive Vice President at