EJS "Justice Jam" Networking Social

Nebraska Law students, faculty and staff: Do you wish we spent more time talking about "justice" in law school? If so, here's an opportunity! The Equal Justice Society is hosting “Justice Jam!” a new twist on our annual networking event.

The "Justice Jam" idea was inspired by the “Conservation Jam” at the Great Plains Art Museum, and is similar to the law college STIR Talks. Several local attorneys will address the question: "What is 'justice'?" But there is a catch - they only have three minutes each. You don't have to be an EJS member, and you don't even have to know what "public interest law" means - all students and faculty are welcome to attend. Join us and meet local public interest attorneys who will inspire you, challenge you, and give you some examples of how they think about justice and the law.

Not sure what this "Justice Jam!" format will look like? Check out the Conservation Jam video: https://connect.unl.edu/p40mgnfvie8/?launcher=false&fcsContent=true&pbMode=normal.
The STIR talk videos are also available via the law library's website, on the Schmid Law Library STIR Talks channel. If you missed some of them or haven't had a chance to attend one yet you can check out the YouTube series:

The Justice Jam is an incredible opportunity to meet public interest practitioners without even having to leave the law school. Don't miss out - rsvp in ROSCOE today. Remember, people hire people!!

The Equal Justice Society (EJS) is the "Public Interest" student organization at the University of Nebraska College of Law.