Please Delay Computer Upgrades Until After Final Exams!

As you may be aware, Apple will be releasing OSX 10.9, Mavericks, on October 22. On October 17, Microsoft has announced it will release a major update to Windows 8, which is known as Windows 8.1. Microsoft has announced that they are streamlining the upgrade process to allow users to upgrade with the simple click of a button.

Our problem is that Exam4, the college exam software provider has informed us that they will not support either upgraded operating system until 2014. They are working to develop Exam4 to support Mavericks and Windows 8.1, but they've made it clear that they won't be ready until January 2014, well after this fall's exam period is over.

In order to avoid chaos, we are encouraging all law students to NOT upgrade their computers until after they are finished with exams.

For questions contact Bob or Chris in the IT Department.