From the Library

Rich Leiter
Rich Leiter

Upgrading to Mavericks!
Extegrity has given the green light and will now support Exam4 on Mavericks. It’s still a good idea to wait until after finals to upgrade, just to avoid the disorientation, but if you just can’t wait, upgrade away!

Quiet, Please, in the Library
It’s easy to get carried away while you’re studying for finals, but for those people studying and prefer quiet, please keep your voices down.

Chess Set
We are pleased to announce that the library now has a chess set for check out. The competition quality set includes a board, weighted pieces and a timer. It may be checked out any time from the Circulation Desk for friendly competition and relaxation. Let the games begin! Enjoy!

Laptop Checkout
Library laptops will not be available for check out until after finals because they will be used for finals.

Time to Get OUT!
If you have reserved a study room near library closing time, please cooperate with the student circulation desk attendant and gather your things and leave at closing time. We appreciate your desire to study and your level of comfort and sense of ownership of your study space, but keep in mind that the library must close! Even you need to call it a day at closing. Get some sleep!

Winter Break Library Hours
Friday December 20th - 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday December 21st - 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
December 22 - January 1st -CLOSED
Thursday January 2nd -7:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Friday January 3rd -7:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday January 4th -9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Sunday January 5th -CLOSED
January 6-10th -7:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday January 11th -9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Sunday January 12th -11:00 AM - 12:30 AM

Past Exams Online!
We are pleased to announce that we have scanned our entire collection of past exams and they are now available on the library’s webpage, Past exams are listed in the center column, below Research Tools and are available by Course, Professor and Year.

Study Aids: Nutshells, Hornbooks, etc.
Don’t forget to “check out” the study aids behind the reference desk. Nutshells, hornbooks and other study aids that can be checked out for one week.

Please consider using the recoiling bins when you dispose of cans and bottles. There are many recycling receptacles around the library and around the law college and it’s easy enough to do. Think about it: if it can be recycled, it’s a waste to not do so when it’s convenient to do it! Even if you are philosophically opposed to the practice, you’ll bring peace of mind to those who support it. And, with very little effort you’ll be doing a very good thing.

Sports Concussions and the Law
Check out the library’s new display mounted by Brian Striman and Margaret Gipson. The display spans two display cabinets, one on the first floor and one at the top of the main staircase. Information can be found here: