![Scholarship Opportunity](https://newsroom.unl.edu/announce/files/file42736.jpg)
NEW SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITY for Rising 2Ls: Schmid Honor Scholar Program-DEADLINE: July 7, 2014
The Schmid Honor Scholar Program was established by the Marvin and Virginia Schmid Foundation. Marvin Schmid was a 1935 graduate of the College of Law. The Law College has benefitted in many ways from the generosity of the Schmids and the Schmid Foundation, including the Marvin and Virginia Schmid Law Library, the M. Brian Schmid Reading Room, and scholarships for the Nebraska Law Review Editor-in-Chief and the Nebraska Moot Court Board Chair.
Second year students who are not already receiving an academic scholarship from the College of Law are eligible to apply to be a Schmid Honor Scholar. Criteria to be considered in awarding the Schmid Honor Scholarships include: academic excellence and involvement in extra- curricular activities.
To apply for the Schmid Honor Scholar Program, submit a letter of application addressed to the Law College Scholarship Committee and present reasons why you should be selected to be a Schmid Honor Scholar. Application letters should be sent (in hard copy or electronic form) to Assistant Dean Pearce by July 7, 2014.
NEW SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITY for Rising 2Ls: the Sam J. and Kahldie Millie Sadden Scholarship- DEADLINE: July 7, 2014
The Sam J. and Khaldie Millie Sadden Scholarship Fund has been established to honor two remarkable immigrants whose personal sacrifices and love for education enabled their children to live the American dream. Scholarships from the Sam J. and Khaldie Millie Sadden Scholarship Fund will be awarded to one or more second-year students at the College of Law who have great financial need.
Please contact Dean Pearce or stop by the Dean’s Office for an application form. Applications must be returned to Dean Pearce (in hard copy or electronic form) by July 7, 2014.
NEW SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITY Offered by Birth Injury Justice, the Birth Injury Scholarship is an informational and educational resource on Birth Injuries like Cerebral Palsy and Spina Bifida sponsored by the Becker Law firm-DEADLINE: August 10, 2014
To be eligible for the scholarship an applicant needs to be in good academic standing, write a short essay and be attending an accredited educational institution.
The selected applicant will receive a $1000 check made out to their law school for use for tuition, books, or other educational expenses.
Eligibility Information: http://www.birthinjuryjustice.org/birth-injury-scholarship/
Application Information: http://www.birthinjuryjustice.org/birth-injury-scholarship/
About the Law Firm: http://www.birthinjuryjustice.org/about-us/
Completed applications must be submitted no later than August 10, 2014.
In April Dean Pearce sent out an email with applications and information about four different scholarships opportunities–DEADLINE: August 1, 2014:
The Todd A. Morrison International Scholarship is awarded to law students who have lived outside of the United States for three or four years (with greater preference going to those who have lived outside the U.S.A. for longer periods).
The Paul D. Brunner Memorial Scholarship is awarded to law students who have demonstrated an interest in civil rights law, who have financial need, and who are from educationally or culturally disadvantaged backgrounds. This scholarship fund was established by Marlene Brunner in memory of her son, Paul D. Brunner, who was a member of the class of 2007. Paul was beginning his third year of law school at the College of Law when he died unexpectedly on September 20, 2006. He was raised in Scribner, Nebraska, and graduated with a BS in Criminal Justice from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. During law school, he attended the summer study abroad program in Cambridge, England, worked in Chicago, and provided pro bono assistance for victims of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. He was vice-president of the Black Law Students Association. Paul had planned to pursue a career in civil rights after graduation.
The John M. Gradwohl-Nebraska Council of School Attorneys Scholarship and the Harold I. Mosher Scholarship are awarded based on scholastic ability and financial need, with preference given to students with a demonstrated interest in education/school law and to students who are former public school teachers or administrators. There is a single application for both the Mosher and Gradwohl-Nebraska Council of School Attorneys scholarships.
The John M. Gradwohl-Nebraska Council of School Attorneys Scholarship Fund was established
by the Nebraska Council of School Attorneys to recognize Professor Gradwohl for his many
contributions to the organization and improvement of the practice of school law in Nebraska.
The Harold I. Mosher Scholarship was established by the friends of Harold I. Mosher to
recognize Mr. Mosher, a 1962 graduate of the College of Law, on the occasion of his retirement
after 31 years with the office of the Nebraska Attorney General and for his many contributions to
the State of Nebraska and the practice of law.
Applications for each scholarship are available from Dean Pearce. Please return completed applications to the Dean’s office, or to Dean Pearce electronically, by August 1, 2014.