Lincoln Bar Association’s Annual “Meet The Judges” Event

Thursday, December 18
At the Nebraska Club
20th Floor US Bank Building
233 S. 13th Street

The LBA has opened the doors of its December meeting to all interested Nebraska Law 2L and 3L students. Unlike the NSBA and OBA, the LBA does not have student memberships so this is unique opportunity to attend. The annual Meet The Judge’s event is usually a well-attended meeting both by local practitioners as well as by county, state and federal judges. This event gives those students interested in building their Lincoln networks a great opportunity to do so. There will be free heavy hors d'oeuvres and a cash-only bar available.

If you are interested in attending, please RSVP in ROSCOE by Thursday, December 11. If you are also interested in being matched with a local attorney to help you navigate the event, please also send me an email and I will do my best to work with the LBA to identify someone to help introduce you around!