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Great Opportunities!
Log in to ROSCOE to check out these great opportunities:
• Law Clerk (2L) (Immediate) – Atwood Holsten Brown Deaver & Spier (Lincoln)
• Law Clerk (2L) – Nebraska Public Service Commission (Lincoln)
• 2016 Summer Clerk (2L) – Armstrong Teasdale (multiple locations)
• 2016 Summer Legal Internship (2L) – Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (Washington, DC)
• Student Assistant (2L, 3L) – College of Law Admissions
• Faculty Research Assistant (2L, 3L) – College of Law (Prof. Dooling)
• Faculty Research Assistant (2L, 3L) – College of Law (Prof. Thimmesch)
• Election & Voting Rights Law Clerk (2L, 3L) – Nebraskans for Civic Reform (Lincoln)
• 2016 Summer Law Clerk (2L) and Associate (3L) – Kinney & Lange (Minneapolis, MN)
• Associate Attorney (3L) – Lauritsen Brownell Brostrom Stehlik (Grand Island)
• Associate Attorney (3L) – Kelley Scritsmier & Byrne (North Platte)
• 2016-17 Supreme Court Law Clerk III (3L) – Iowa Judicial Branch (Des Moines, IA)
• Honors Attorney (3L) – FDIC (Arlington, VA and Washington, DC)
Exploring Opportunities: Jobs with the Department of Justice
Thursday, August 27 12:00pm-1:00pm
Location: Auditorium
Join two seasoned attorneys from the U.S. Attorney's Office and learn about important dates for the Department Of Justice Attorney's Honor program as well as summer internship opportunities. Deadlines for 2L and 3Ls are coming up the day after labor day. The DOJ is the world's largest legal employer!
Please RSVP in ROSCOE by 5pm on Tuesday, August 25th!
Army JAG Interview Day
Tuesday, September 8 9:00am - 4:00pm
Location: Room 178
Captain Todd Chard will be on campus Tuesday, September 8, to sit down with any and all 2Ls or 3Ls that are interested in the US Army JAG Corps internship and/or attorney opportunities. We will be scheduling 30-minute interviews with him through the CDO. For more information and to apply for an interview time, go to ROSCOE Job listing #13593 [2 Positions: 2016 Summer Internship & Attorney (Active Duty Judge Advocate)] by August 26. Following August 26, the CDO will be in contact with those interested to schedule an interview time with Captain Chard.
Apply in ROSCOE by 3pm on Wednesday, August 26th!
Fall 2015 OCI – Bids due Wednesday, August 26 at 3pm
We have some great firms/organizations have scheduled on-campus interviews through the Career Development Office beginning Wednesday, September 9th. Please log into ROSCOE to review the opportunities that will be available. Opportunities are available for all 2Ls and 3Ls. Please note that in ROSCOE you will only see those employers who are hiring from your class. Make sure you have uploaded the most recent copy of your resume and transcript. If you have questions, please contact the CDO at 402.472.5130 or For a PDF of your transcript, please contact Vicki Lill at
The fall OCI season has been broken into sessions. The first session runs from September 9th – 18th and bids for all OCI employers who will be on campus during the first session are due on August 26. The second session runs from September 21st – October 2nd and the deadline for all bid materials is September 11th. This system gives you hard and fast deadlines to meet and will simplify our interactions with employers. Below are a few of the FAQ’s we often get.
Q: What does bidding mean?
A: Under our preselect system, Employers indicate when they are coming to interview and request certain application materials from interested applicants. By providing the employer with your materials, you are “bidding” or indicating your interest in the opportunity to interview.
Q: How do the employers choose which students to interview?
A: The employers will select students to interview based on the application materials you submit. Employers want to make sure that you meet their hiring criteria. If you are selected for an interview, you can be assured that you are in the running for the position. Students who do not meet the stated criteria or who submitted application materials with typos and grammatical mistakes are often eliminated at this point.
Q: Once the firm chooses me to interview what happens?
A: If selected, you will be notified by e-mail and you should then log in to ROSCOE and choose a specific interview time.
Q: What if the only times available are during my class?
A: Unfortunately, we cannot avoid all class times. Employers may be interviewing 20 students from your class and it is impossible to avoid conflicts. The sooner you log in the more likely you can choose a time that does not conflict. It is up to you to talk to your professors and make sure you know what the professor’s policy is for missing a class. As interviews are only 20 minutes you can often miss only a small portion of the class period.
These are great opportunities! Please take some time to see what’s available for you!
2015 FALL OCI Schedule (as of August 21st)
Pre-Fall/Resume Collections
Fredericks Peebles & Morgan (Omaha)
IRS-Office of Chief Counsel
Armstrong Teasdale
Association of Fish and Wildlife (Washington, DC)
Kinney & Lange (Minneapolis, MN)
Cole Schotz (Hackensack, NJ)
US Dept of Transportation-Fed Railroad (Washington, DC) *at Creighton University College of Law CDO
US Army JAG Corps
SESSION ONE (September 9-18)
Baird Holm LLP (Omaha)
Cline Williams Wright Johnson & Oldfather LLP (Omaha, Lincoln)
McGrath | North (Omaha)
Nebraska Appleseed (Lincoln)
Woods & Aitken (Lincoln)
Husch Blackwell LLP (Omaha)
Jacobsen Orr Lindstrom & Holbrook (Kearney)
Koley Jessen (Omaha)
Perry Guthery Haase & Gessford (Lincoln)
RIA Compliance Consultants (Omaha)
Dvorak & Donovan Law Group (Omaha)
Fraser Stryker PC LLO (Omaha)
Lauritsen Brownell Brostrom Stehlik PC LLO (Grand Island)
Leininger Smith Johnson Baack Placzek & Allen (Grand Island)
Bruner Frank (Kearney)