From the Library

Professor Richard Leiter
Professor Richard Leiter

Peace and Quiet?
The library strives to provide a quiet, comfortable environment for students to study and work. It’s easy for us to keep our voices down, but we need your help in order to keep the whole library quiet and peaceful. Please help us out and politely ask others to join in.

No Meal Delivery
Please remember that the library’s food and drink policy allows snacks in the library, but not meals. Please take your meals in the student lounge or outside in the courtyard tables. Help us keep the library clean and neat for everyone.

Reading Room Activity
There will be a film crew in the library’s grand reading room on Thursday, February 25 from about 3-5pm. It isn’t necessary to leave the room when they show up, just be aware that there will be some activity and some distractions during that time.


Resource of the Week: International Analytical database from Westlaw
Attention international law fans! The law library has added an extensive collection of international law materials to our WestlawNext subscription. This collection consists of more than 30 analytical resources covering a wide variety of international law topics such as space law, customs law, trademark practice, and transnational litigation. Additionally “ALR International” is included in this collection. For more information about this collection ask any of the librarians.