From the Library

Professor Richard Leiter
Professor Richard Leiter

Heads Up!
The Reading Room will be unavailable on April 1 from 2pm until 7pm. The room will be in use for Admitted Students Day.

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Free Books for Graduates!?
The library frequently receives donations of old law books from attorneys/alums who are retiring or closing their offices for one reason or another. Since we’re a law library, we usually have the books that they wish to donate, but don’t want to simply send them to the landfill.

The library is beginning a registry of graduating students and graduates who are interested in receiving these donations. Please see Library Director, Prof. Richard Leiter ( if you want to get on the list.

A few things to keep in mind: The books are usually old and not completely up to date, but with a little bit of effort and money, they can be brought into usable condition. If nothing else, law books make for great office decoration! The titles that we are offered are random and we can’t promise anything in particular, but we will contact interested students/graduates on a first come, first served basis.