The Gradwohl Family Build Your Character Program on Cultural Competency

Dr. Arin Reeves
Dr. Arin Reeves

On Wednesday, September 7th from 12:10-1:00 p.m., the Gradwohl Family Build Your Character Program on Cultural Competency will feature Dr. Arin Reeves presenting "The Next IQ". Dr. Reeves is a leading researcher, author, and advisor in the fields of leadership and inclusion. Her book, "The Next IQ: The Next Generation of Intelligence for 21st Century Leaders", focuses on inclusion, unconscious biases, and bias interrupters and was a best-seller upon its release in January 2012. She has been featured on NPR for her work and is cited often in online and traditional media as an expert in her field.

Following the lecture, Dr. Reeves will facilitate "The Next Step", a workshop to further the understanding of "The Next IQ".