6-9 p.m.
College of Law Sounding Block Mon. Sept. 05, 2016
- CLEP Constitution Day Training Lunch
- Week at a Glance
- Beatrice 6: Failure of Justice
- Lexis 1L Lunch
- The Gradwohl Family Build Your Character Program on Cultural Competency Featuring Dr. Arin Reeves
- Student Bar Association Meeting
- Federalist Society Introductory Meeting
- From the Career Development Office
- Tuesday with TED: Working with Others
- JAG Informational Session
- From the Law Library
- 1L Mastery and 3L Bar Prep
- CLEP Constitution Day Training Lunch II
- Space Law: It’s Cold War Origins and Challenges in an Era of Globalization
- Phi Alpha Delta New Member Initiation
- Prosecuting Child Pornography and Sexual Predator Cases
- Student Animal Legal Defense Fund Introductory Meeting