From the Interim Dean

Interim Dean Richard Moberly
Interim Dean Richard Moberly

You have heard me talk about community and service all year. In fact, we started the year painting four houses as part of Lincoln Paint-a-thon as part of Orientation. Then students organized Community Conversations and bringing the Constitution into middle school classrooms. The attendance at the Chili Cook Off to support NPILF was amazing and, last Friday, we had a successful conference on women and leadership. You have raised money for wonderful causes all year, including to fight human trafficking, to clothe those who need it, to buy toys for underprivileged children, to encourage a student in the military overseas, and to support shelters for victims of domestic violence. This is just a sample, of course, I don’t have room to list everything. But you get my point. This is a great community that comes together to support each other and those in need.

This week you have more opportunities to build community and support a worthy cause. First, 3L Alex Engelkamp has a 2-year-old nephew who is diagnosed with cancer. All week you will be able to help by voting for a movie by putting money in a jar. The winning movie will be played on March 15.

Second, on Tuesday, March 7, Loyola University Law Professor Rob Verchick will discuss the “EPA in the Time of Trump."

Finally, on Friday, March 10, we are fortunate to have Harvard Law Professor Jody Freeman deliver the annual Roscoe Pound Lecture. This lecture is our most prestigious lecture series, and we have another great speaker this year. Professor Freeman will be talking on "The Limits of Executive Power: The Obama-Trump Transition.”

I hope you have a great week! No matter how you spend it, I urge you to be intentional in what you choose. If you have some extra time after studying, consider engaging with this wonderful College of Law community in some way.