Tuesday, November 1st will be 1Ls first opportunity to fully interact with the Career Services Office. We will celebrate this occasion with a meeting on the 1st at 12:10 in the auditorium. Lunch will be provided. At this meeting you will meet CSO staff, hear about our services, learn the ins and outs of ROSCOE, get a run down of what to expect for the rest of the school year as far as job searching, and learn other vital information to prepare you for your job search!
Additionally, all 1L students need to sign up for a small group meeting with either Tasha or Tracy. During these 50 minute meetings we will briefly go over resumes and cover letter writing and will discuss your practice area and geographic interests. We will also be able to answer questions about on campus interviews, job searches, etc. See ROSCOE for specific dates and times of these meetings. At least 24 hours prior to your small group meeting you should upload an updated resume into ROSCOE. We will review your resume and return it to you at these meetings.
See you on November 1st!