Leiter presents paper for Yale Law School Library Spotlight series

Richard Leiter
Richard Leiter

On November 9, Professor Richard Leiter presented a paper at Yale Law School Library, as part of their Library Spotlight series. The title of the talk was, "The Future of Law Libraries and Changing Biblioformats....the more formats change, the more we shouldn't." Professor Leiter, who is a Visiting Research Fellow at Harvard Law Library this semester was invited to speak about his research project and to discuss an article ("Technical Services in the Digital World, A Look at Library Anatomy, Guts, Brains and all...." December 2011) to be published in an upcoming issue of Spectrum, the American Association of Law Libraries official periodical. The talk included a discussion of law libraries' response to changing formats in legal bibliography, arguing that libraries should apply traditional library methods to new mediums. It also included a discussion about the development of Leading Case Service, a new research tool that will assist law scholars and researchers explore case law and secondary scholarship in an exciting and novel way.