Medill to Moderate Program on Public Sector Employee Benefit Plans

Colleen Medill
Colleen Medill

Public sector employee benefit plans, which provide retirement and health care benefits to state and local government employees, have drawn national attention recently due to the significant adverse impact on state and local government budgets. Professor Colleen Medill will moderate a program that provides an objective perspective on the past, present and future of public sector employee benefit plans. The program, which is co-sponsored by the Section on Employee Benefits Law and the Section on State and Local Government Law for the Association of American Law Schools, will take place during the Association’s annual meeting in January of 2012 in Washington, D.C. The program speakers will address the tax rules that govern public employee benefit plans, funding deficits and the related impact on state and local government budgets, and whether Congress and the federal government should become more involved in legislating and regulating state-level employee benefit plans.