EJS Chili Cook-Off
Monday, January Jan. 28, 2019
11:45 am–1:00 pm
Room: Student Lounge
It’s that time of year again! The Equal Justice Society’s Fifth Annual Chili Cook-Off over the noon hour in the student lounge. The Chili Cook-Off is an extravaganza of fun and fundraising. Law school faculty and staff donate a pot of their family-treasured chili, and the school is invited to the blind taste testing competition to judge which chili is the best. The chef responsible for the winning chili will be awarded the coveted Golden Ladle!
Tasters, to participate you only need to show up and bring either $10 or $7 and a hearty appetite! A $10 entry buys you 4 tasting cups and 4 votes for your favorite chili. A $7 entry buys you 4 tasting cups and 2 votes for your favorite chili. Additional votes can also be purchased for $1 dollar. All of the proceeds go to the Nebraska Public Interest Law Fund!