On May 7, at 5:00 p.m., Love Library North, Adele Hall Learning Commons, and Love Library’s Link, will close for the removal of the precast concrete walls on the Love North roof. The repair project will begin on May 10 and run until June 13. Dunkin Donuts will close from May 7 – July 5.
A crane will be set up to remove the precast concrete walls and metal screens to mitigate the effects of further deterioration. While the crane is in operation the Love North building and the Link cannot be occupied. Crews will be working from sun-up to sundown, Monday-Saturday and fencing will surround the perimeter and block all entrances to Love North and the Link. To enter the Love Library complex, use the Love South doors facing R St.
The Libraries will relocate the media services desk to the Love South second floor lobby, along with a large format scanner, a flatbed scanner and a microfilm reader. Equipment check-out will continue as usual. Retrieval of books will be done after dark. The Huskertech desk & One Button Studio will also be closed. Laptop checkout and technology assistance will be available at the other Huskertech Help Center locations on city and east campus: https://its.unl.edu/helpcenter/. The Digital Learning Center in the Adele Hall Learning Commons will be closed. Faculty can use the secure drop-box at the Love South ASKus desk to drop off Scantrons for processing. Students should schedule tests at the East Campus Exam Commons in the Dinsdale Family Learning Commons.
Study space will remain open in the Love South stacks levels and various study spaces in Love South. Only two group study rooms will be available. New Student Enrollment will be using LLS 218 from 12:30-2:30 p.m. & LLS 222 from 12:30 – 5:00 p.m. each day. We encourage students needing study space to consider using other library locations. Only one ASKus Desk service point, located on the first floor of Love Library South, will be available to check out books and assistance.
Love North, the Adele Hall Learning Commons, and the Link will reopen on June 14. Dunkin Donuts will reopen on July 6.