Online Resources for Women’s History Research
March is Women’s History Month! The Libraries provides access to a range of online primary source collections documenting women’s histories in the US and worldwide, including:
• Everyday Life and Women in America, 1800-1920
• Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1600-2000
• Women and Transnational Networks
• Women in the National Archives (focused on the movement for women's suffrage in Britain and British colonial territories).
Additionally, Nebraska has temporary trial access to the following online collections:
• Women’s History Month Sampler video collection (part of Academic Video Online, available through April 9).
• Women's Studies Archive: Collections on Women's Issues and Identities (19th and 20th centuries), Women's Voice and Vision (19th and 20th centuries), and Women’s Studies Rare Titles from the American Antiquarian Society, 1820-1922 (part of the Gale Resources for Diversity Research trial, available through March 31).
Please send feedback on these trial resources to Casey Hoeve at achoeve@unl.edu.
For more suggestions, check out the Women’s Studies and Gender Resources section of UNL Libraries’ Diversity Libguide.