A new exhibit in Love Library highlights the 50-year history of the Institute of Ethnic Studies at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
The University Libraries, in partnership with the Institute of Ethnic Studies, has curated a digital exhibit featuring milestones from the 50-year history of the Institute celebrating the people, events and community it embraced. Included materials were provided by the University Archives, IES faculty, Pablo Rangel and the family of Ralph Grajeda. Additional support was provided by Erin Colonna, graphic designer, University Libraries; Traci Robison, assistant professor of practice and outreach archivist; Toni Anaya, associate professor, Joy Castro, professor and Interim Director of the Institute of Ethnic Studies and Deb McWilliams, administrative technician.
The exhibit will be on display through the remainder of 2022 and can be viewed in the Quiet Reading room (room 218) in Love Library.
As one of the first in the United States to support research and teaching on race, ethnicity and social justice, the Institute has been instrumental in helping develop an academic center and community of scholars around these pressing issues. In support of the Institute, the University Libraries has dedicated a librarian to serve as subject specialist to support the research, teaching and curriculum development of this specialized field.
This exhibit provides a glimpse of the Institute’s activities and personnel over the past decades, but the picture is incomplete. To contribute items about the Institute’s history, contact Outreach Archivist Traci Robison trobison2@unl.edu or University Archivist Mary Ellen Ducey mducey2@unl.edu.