Ready to make women’s history? Want to increase the open sharing of historical knowledge? Interested in becoming a Wikipedia editor? Join us for a Wikipedia Edit-a-Thon to celebrate Women’s History month!
The University Libraries is collaborating with Katrina Jagodinsky, (Susan J. Rosowski Associate Professor of History, Graduate Chair, & CDRH Fellow), and her legal history students to host a Women’s History Wikipedia Edit-a-Thon focused on improving the representation of cis and trans women on Wikipedia. This drop-in event is free and open to the public and is happening Tuesday, March 28, from 1-4p.m. in Love Library South, room 221 (Peterson Room). Please join us for as long as you’re able.
All are welcome at this event—from experienced editors to newcomers—so there is no need to know how to edit. Libraries faculty will be on hand to teach you what you need to know to become an editor. There will be opportunities to edit in both minor and major ways. For more information on the event and to RSVP, check out our event page.