Registration is open for the 2023 Nebraska Asphalt Conference to be held February 14-15 in Kearney at the Younes Conference Center South. This year's event features updates from industry partners and cutting edge researchers. Register: reading…
Sessions of Basic and Advanced Temporary Traffic Control have been scheduled statewide for the coming months and registration is open. Continue reading…
Nebraska's first announced BIL grant awardee is the City of Bellevue.
Congratulations to the City of Bellevue for being awarded a Bridge Investment Planning grant from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill. Learn more about the FY22 Planning Grant recipients at
FHWA's Center for Local Aid Support hosts online courses on gravel road maintenance, motor grader operation, pavement preservation, project bundling, and more. Courses are free and self-paced. Continue reading…
Longtime Hall County Highway Department employee and past board member of the Nebraska Association of County Engineers, County Highway Superintendents &
County Surveyors passed away on January 10.
Join us at the 43rd Annual Nebraska Concrete Paving Workshop January 24-25, 2023 in Lincoln.
The National Center for Rural Road Safety periodically hosts webinars on topics relevant to rural road managers. Each webinar is recorded and posted at for later viewing.
The 2023 APWA North American Snow Conference is coming to Omaha! Mark your calendars for April 16-19, 2023, and watch future newsletters for registration information. Volunteer sign-up will begin in early 2023.