Nebraska LTAP is partnering with the Nebraska APWA Chapter to offer monthly lunch and learns. Join us on December 18 for Ethical Yoga - How flexible are your principles? Continue reading…
Nebraska LTAP's services to counties, municipalities, and tribes includes technical assistance - a one-on-one resource for finding solutions to your challenges. Continue reading…
The most recent of Public Roads magazine, a quarterly FHWA publication, features the City of Lincoln's e-construction program as its cover story. Continue reading…
I wanted to thank everyone for the great turnout we had for the Winter Road Maintenance and Snow Operations virtual training session earlier this month. Great discussion and good feedback always make a successful training, so thanks for that. Click through to read the rest of Mitch's Memo. Continue reading…
NE LTAP is hosting FHWA's SNBI training January 14-16 in Lincoln. Registration will open shortly on the LTAP web site. We anticipate seats being limited. Inspection team leaders will have priority, followed by superintendents and bridge owners, and, lastly, everyone else.
FHWA-NHI-130053 Bridge Inspection Refresher Training Course has been scheduled for March 25-27 in Lincoln. If you would like to register, contact Nicole Veys.
To assist granting agencies in understanding the challenges local agencies and tribes have in applying for, securing and managing grant funds, participate in an information gathering session on December 10. Continue reading…
The Nebraska Association of County Officials Winter Meeting will be in Kearney December 18-20 with the Highway Superintendent Day on Wednesday, December 18.
Registration is now open for the 2025 NCPA Workshop will be in Lincoln on January 28-29. Join in for industry updates and networking with agency professionals, researchers, contractors and consultants.
The Nebraska Asphalt Paving Conference brings together local and state agency personnel, researchers, and industry professionals for two days of updates on the newest technologies and innovations in asphalt.
Plan to be in Kearney February 4-5 for the Nebraska Asphalt Paving Conference. Watch future NE LTAP newsletters for an announcement when registration opens.