Check out FHWA's Proven Safety Countermeasures in Rural Communities for a straight-forward look at options to improve safety on your roadways.
Proven Safety Countermeasures (PSCs) in Rural Communities (FHWA-SA-24-005) is a new compendium of 12 PSCs suited for rural roads. This will be a helpful tool for communities looking to save lives by focusing on roadway departure, intersections, ped/bike, or speed management. Each countermeasure includes an overview, considerations for rural applications, crash reduction effectiveness, and case studies. The guide also features a useful reference table that allows practitioners to quickly evaluate the PSC based on other factors, like relative cost, service life, and how it aligns with the Safe System Design Hierarchy.
Source: FHWA
More details at: https://highways.dot.gov/sites/fhwa.dot.gov/files/2024-01/FHWA_PSCs_in_Rural_Communities_508.pdf