Hello UNL Math Majors,
The mathematics department at KU will host our 4th annual “Sneak Peek” event for prospective graduate applicants on Thursday and Friday, November 21-22. The goal of this event is to introduce a group of promising potential applicants from historically underrepresented groups (women, first-generation college attendees, African American, Latino/Latina, Native American) to our department and campus and to learn about graduate school and the possibilities that it offers. Participating students will have the opportunity to attend mathematics graduate classes at KU, and to meet with faculty and graduate students in both formal and informal settings.
Thanks to generous support from the Madison and Lila Self Graduate Fellowship at KU, as well as the office of Graduate Studies, we will be able to defray airfare and meal costs for participating students, and to provide up to two nights lodging.
Potential applicants should submit a brief letter of interest, an unofficial transcript, and a brief statement of support from a faculty advisor by e-mail to Prof. Mat Johnson, Graduate Admissions Director, at matjohn@ku.edu. The target date for applications is Friday, October 25, and we expect to notify accepted participants shortly thereafter. Questions about the Sneak Peek program may also be directed to Prof. Johnson.
Additional information is also available at our Sneak Peek website:
We are excited to introduce our department and our university to promising students who might not have considered graduate studies at KU. For more information on our department and our graduate program, we invite you to visit our website at https://mathematics.ku.edu.
—Mat Johnson
Director of Graduate Admissions
Department of Mathematics
University of Kansas