Career Coaching Available
Connect with a Career Coach to talk about your future career goals whether that’s finding an on-campus job, creating/updating resume, identifying internships, preparing for graduate/professional school, etc. Make an appointment on MyPLAN using the following link: Schedule here!
Are you looking to connect with employers about future internships and full-time jobs? Register for this semester’s Career Fairs to found out who is coming and when you can meet with them! The University Career Fairs will be held virtually on Handshake across 4 days all from 12-4pm.
o Day 1, Tuesday, Sept. 22nd - Opportunities in: Science & Research, Biotechnology, Information Technology, Computer Science & Development, Math & Data Analytics, Marketing, Advertising, Sales & Service, Hospitality and Tourism
o Day 2, Wednesday, Sept. 23rd - Opportunities in: Engineering, Construction, & Manufacturing
o Day 3, Thursday, Sept. 24th - Opportunities in: Transportation & Logistics, Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources, Nutrition, Finance, Accounting, Banking & Insurance
o Day 4, Friday, Sept. 25th - Opportunities in: Business, Management and Operations, Training, Government & Public Administration, Human Services & Non-profit, Law, Public Safety, Health & Public Health
o Actuarial Science Day, Monday, Sept. 28th 3:30pm - 6:00 pm - The University of Nebraska Actuarial Science Program is one of 17 Centers of Actuarial Excellence in the United States as designated by the Society of Actuaries. Each fall, the program hosts a Career Fair to connect employers with students looking for internships and full-time positions in actuarial science and related fields.
Tuesday, Sept. 1st, 10:30am, via Zoom
Wednesday, Sept. 2nd, 4:30pm, via Zoom
Thursday, Sept. 3rd, 2pm, via Zoom
• Interested in going abroad but don’t know where to start? Attend a Huskers Abroad 101 session to take the first step toward going abroad! This session will cover researching program options, selecting a program, funding and the timeline for the process. Pre-registration is required at: https://go.unl.edu/huskersabroad101. Once registered, a Zoom link will be emailed to you.
Tuesday, Sept. 1st, 4-5pm, Nebraska Union (Regency Room) & via Zoom
• For new Pre-Health students, this session will cover Pre-Health basics and discuss course planning, entrance exams, co-curricular activities, and more. Attend the session that fits your schedule best.
• Zoom link: https://unl.zoom.us/j/93835888956
Wednesday, September 2nd, 11am-1pm, Virtual Event via GivePulse
• Connect with opportunities to serve in the Lincoln community at the Husker Civic Challenge Fair. Over 60 area nonprofits plan to attend the first virtual fair. You can peruse the organizations, select the organizations you would like to learn more about, and register for a time slot to visit with the volunteer coordinator.
• Prior to the day of the event, instructions and Zoom addresses will be sent to registrants. If you are fulfilling a service-learning course requirement, looking for an RSO community service site, and/or wanting to continue civic engagement, the virtual Husker Civic Challenge Fair is for you.
Friday, Sept. 4th-Sunday. Sept. 6th, Online
• The University of Nebraska – Lincoln and JCPenney are once again teaming up to help students build their professional wardrobe. This time it’s online!
• Save up to an extra 30% off select men’s & women’s career dress apparel, shoes & accessories to build your professional wardrobe.
• A link will be available to take you directly to the online sale event: RSVP here
• Order online and pick up in store or have your items delivered to your door.
Peace Corps Opportunities
The Peace Corps experience is unique and rewarding. While they are working towards preparing posts to receive Peace Corps volunteers again, they are working diligently to connect students to their high needs programs. Their application looks a bit different now; instead of applying by country/date, they have a sector/region option with a range of dates. Here are some open opportunities right now:
Secondary Education Math Teacher
Africa | Departs April-June 2021
High School Math Teacher
Africa | Departs July-September 2021
Seeking Student to Help MATH 107 Student
We are currently looking for someone to assist a student who is blind with MATH 107 assignments. This would entail scheduling and meeting the student in the Math Department a few times a week (usually about 2 hours a week at $9/hour; perhaps 3 hours a week for first few weeks) to read the assignment to her as she completes it on her computer. If you are interested, please contact Jen Wagner at jwagner6@unl.edu for further details.
Valmont Industries
Monday, Aug. 31st 10am-1pm, Virtually via Zoom at https://go.unl.edu/employerinresidencezoom
• At Valmont, we are committed to Conserving Resources. Improving Life. You can see it in how our lighting and traffic structures guide the way. Our wireless communications towers help keep people connected. The electricity used in millions of homes and business around the world is delivered through our power utility structures. Our irrigation systems help ag producers grow the food that feeds the world. The coatings we offer add life and aesthetic value to metal products while helping to create a more sustainable future. When we say we build a more sustainable future, we’re not just talking about how our coatings help metal products last 100 years. From our Nebraska roots, Valmont has grown into one of Omaha’s premier global companies. With facilities around the world, opportunities to build a sustainable future are boundless.
• Learn more at http://www.valmont.com/careers
• Zoom instructions: Students will be able to talk one on one with a representative. Once you click on the zoom link you will be entered into a waiting room. Once the employer host is ready they will admit you into the meeting.
Tuesday, Sept. 1st, 10am-1pm, Virtually via Zoom at https://go.unl.edu/employerinresidencezoom
• Kiewit is one of North America’s largest and most respected construction and engineering organizations. With its roots dating back to 1884, the employee-owned organization operates through a network of subsidiaries in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Kiewit offers construction and engineering services in a variety of markets including transportation; oil, gas and chemical; power; building; water/wastewater; industrial; and mining. Kiewit had 2019 revenues of $10.3 billion and employs 23,000 staff and craft employees.
• Learn more at https://kiewitcareers.kiewit.com/
• Zoom instructions: Students will be able to talk one on one with a representative. Once you click on the zoom link you will be entered into a waiting room. Once the employer host is ready they will admit you into the meeting.
Check out virtual events with employers on Handshake by following this link: https://app.joinhandshake.com/events
Dish - Operations and Analytics - Undergrad/MS Corporate Full Time Opportunities and Operations and Analytics - Undergrad/MS Corporate Internships
Grainger - Supply Chain / Supplier Management Analyst, Pricing Analyst, and Supply Chain / Supplier Management Summer Internship
Epic - Software Developer
Cimarron Software Services Inc. - Flight Controller (ISS Operations Planning)
Shift Markets - Crypto Trading Operations Associate | Remote
Microsoft - Full Time Opportunities for Students or Recent Graduates: Data & Applied Sciences
Iowa Department of Transportation - Transportation Planner 1
Kiewit - Early career business specialist Central (2021)
Procter & Gamble (P&G) - PS Engineering - Data Analysis and Standout - Emerging Leaders - 2022 Internship (Sophomore)
Aon - Aon Campus: Cyber Associate - Nationwide
Lenovo - Global Future Leaders - Business Operations Analyst, Services
American Equity Investment Life Insurance Company - Actuarial Intern
CUNA Mutual Group - Data Analytics Summer Intern and Data Scientist Summer Intern
Nationwide - Summer 2021 Actuarial Internship, Summer 2021 Actuarial Research Analytics Internship, and 2021 Summer Internship, Product P&C
Air Force Civilian Service - AFCS Premier College Intern Program Summer 2021 (Information Technology, Cybersecurity, & Mathematics; GS-2299)
State Farm Insurance Companies - Intern - Life/Health Process Design & Consulting
FBI-Omaha - FBI 2021 Honors Summer Internship Program
Allianz Life - Allianz Investment Management (AIM) Intern Analyst – Summer 2021
Pacific Life - Actuary Intern
Tenaska - Intern, Data Science
TechPoint - Data Science Xtern
USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service, Northern Plains Region - Agricultural Data Analyst/Program Manager/Intern
Department Resources
I would also encourage you to check out open positions on some of the job boards listed on the Math Research and Internship Opportunities page of the Math Club's website: https://www.math.unl.edu/math-club/resources/research.