Ph.D. in Statistics at Texas A&M University

Ph.D. in Statistics at Texas A&M University
Ph.D. in Statistics at Texas A&M University

Ph.D. in Statistics at Texas A&M University

The Graduate Program in Statistics at Texas A&M University ranks the 7th among public universities and 14th overall in U.S. The Ph.D. Program in Statistics is designed to prepare students for a career in statistics research in academia, government, medical research centers and industry.

All doctorate students receive financial support through Graduate Assistantships. The support includes tuition, monthly stipend of $2,444 and health insurance. Domestic doctorate program applicants who apply before the January 15th deadline are automatically considered for supplemental department and university-wide fellowships.

Start your application at the Texas A&M GraduateCAS. For more information, visit Application Deadline: January 15

Questions? Please contact Ms. Andrea Dawson, Graduate Advisor, at or 979-845-8886. Please visit the following webpage: