Math Undergraduate News

Advising Updates

Mr. Doug PellatzNow that classes have started, it is time to get organized! Here are updates related to academic advising, academic success, and other information for the next week. Continue reading…


Math Directed Reading Program

Math Directed Reading ProgramIn the Spring 2021 semester, graduate students in the Math Department are running a Directed Reading Program. A Directed Reading Program pairs undergraduate students interested in math with graduate student mentors to complete a semester-long reading project in an advanced or specialized topic. Continue reading…


Important Academic Dates

Academic CalendarFriday, February 5 - Last day to file a drop to remove a full semester course from student's record and to drop a full semester course and receive 75% refund

Friday, February 12 - Last day to withdraw from a full semester course and receive 50% refund

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Spring 2021 Virtual Career Fairs

Spring 2021 Virtual Career FairsThe Spring 2021 Virtual Career Fairs are coming up on February 23rd, 24th, 25th, and 26th. Registration opens on Handshake on Monday, February 8th. Don't miss out on your opportunity to connect with employers in a variety of different career pathways over four days! Continue reading…


B1G American Football Watch Party

B1G American Football Watch PartyInternational Students: Join ISSO and other international students from across the Big 10 schools on Sunday, February 7th at 4:30pm CST, via ZOOM to learn about American Football and how the professional championship game is celebrated across the U.S. Continue reading…


Husker Suit-Up Event

Husker Suit-Up EventThe University of Nebraska-Lincoln and JCPenney are once again teaming up to help students build their professional wardrobe this time with an online option! The Husker Suit-Up online event goes on all weekend from Friday, February 5th to Sunday, February 7th. Continue reading…


Global Café: Careers with Peace Corps

School of Global Integrative Studies presents Global Café: Careers with Peace Corps. Serving in the Peace Corps is a great way to immerse yourself in a new culture, learn a new language, and have the experience of a lifetime. Register today at Continue reading…


NSF Summer REU Programs

National Science FoundationEach summer, the National Science Foundation provides funding to colleges and universities to host Research Experiences for Undergraduate Students. These experiences typically center on a specific research idea or topic and award students a financial stipend for participation. Continue reading…


MSRI Undergraduate Program

MSRI Undergraduate ProgramThe MSRI Undergraduate Program is a comprehensive REU program aimed at identifying and supporting talented students from currently underrepresented backgrounds interested in careers in the mathematical sciences. Applications are due February 15. Continue reading…


Virtual SMART Girls Facilitator

Virtual SMART Girls FacilitatorA virtual SMART Girls facilitator will facilitate SMART Girls curriculum, activities, and programming to girls in 4th-8th grade. SMART Girls Club is a program which engages girls in STEM, builds confidence, and inspires them to think about future education or careers in these fields. Continue reading…



Professor Petronela RaduIf you have questions, concerns, or just want to talk about your next steps as a student, the undergraduate chair, Prof. Petronela Radu (, and your assigned advisor, Doug Pellatz (, are here to help.


NIEHS Scholars Connect Program

NIEHS Scholars Connect ProgramThe NIEHS Scholars Connect Program (NSCP) is designed to provide a unique opportunity for highly motivated STEM focused undergraduate students to solidly connect with NIEHS and receive training in biomedical research. Continue reading…


Ross Mathematics Program

Ross Mathematics ProgramThe Ross Mathematics Program is looking for math graduate students or upper division undergraduates who have taken a college course in Abstract Algebra and are familiar with some elementary number theory. These students will serve as counselors for a six week summer program for high school students. Continue reading…

Originally published February 2, 2021 - Submit an Item