Advising Updates
Here are updates related to academic advising, academic success, and other information for the next week. Continue reading…
Here are updates related to academic advising, academic success, and other information for the next week. Continue reading…
Friday, February 19 - Last day to withdraw from a full semester course and receive 25% refund
Monday, March 1 - Open Registration for Summer Sessions 2021 Begins
Are you interested in humanities and understanding the medical field from beyond the science perspective? If so, come to the open house hosted by the Humanities and Medicine Advisory Board on Thursday, February 18th from 6-7pm. Continue reading…
The Spring 2021 Virtual Career Fairs are coming up on February 23rd, 24th, 25th, and 26th. Registration opens on Handshake on Monday, February 8th. Don't miss out on your opportunity to connect with employers in a variety of different career pathways over four days! Continue reading…
February, 25, 5:30 p.m. CST
Business schools need faculty like you. Ask questions and make connections as you consider an academic career where you can have a lasting impact on students, academia, and business. Hosted by the business schools of the Big Ten Academic Alliance. Register: Continue reading…
The UNL McNair Scholars Program is currently recruiting new scholars to start in the program during the Fall 2021 semester, to engage in the McNair Summer Research Experience in 2022, and to participate in academic year colloquia activities until graduation. Continue reading…
Employment readiness for international students involves multiple skills and experiences throughout all four years of college. This course is for students in any stage of your college career – Freshmen and Sophomores are welcome. Continue reading…
Each summer, the National Science Foundation provides funding to colleges and universities to host Research Experiences for Undergraduate Students. These experiences typically center on a specific research idea or topic and award students a financial stipend for participation. Continue reading…
The Center for Computation & Technology will host a virtual ten-week Research Experiences for Undergraduates program where students work collaboratively on a wide variety of computational science projects. Each student receives a stipend of $8,000. Twelve students will be selected. Continue reading…
Looking for additional counseling services at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln? The Counseling and School Psychology Clinic is available for you. Continue reading…
Join us for a three-session webinar hosted by the business schools of the Big Ten. You’ll hear from current doctoral students and faculty members from underrepresented groups about what it’s like to pursue an academic career and the impact you can make. Continue reading…
The Steve Nelson Yeutter Institute International Trade Internship Award provides one University of Nebraska-Lincoln student annually the opportunity to work in the heart of the trade policy community in Washington, D.C. at the Washington International Trade Association (WITA). Continue reading…
The Writing Center is beginning the process of hiring new consultants for next Fall 2021 semester. You can learn more visiting the posting on Handshake or by attending 2 info sessions: Wednesday, Feb. 17 at 1:15-2 pm or Thursday, Feb. 18 at 5-5:45 pm. All majors and students are eligible. Continue reading…
Click here for job and internship openings that would be available for Mathematics majors. Continue reading…
If you have questions, concerns, or just want to talk about your next steps as a student, the undergraduate chair, Prof. Petronela Radu (, and your assigned advisor, Doug Pellatz (, are here to help.
The Ross Mathematics Program is looking for math graduate students or upper division undergraduates who have taken a college course in Abstract Algebra and are familiar with some elementary number theory. These students will serve as counselors for a six week summer program for high school students. Continue reading…
Designed exclusively for students with STEM backgrounds, the Master of Science in Law degree provides practical, focused legal training in business law & entrepreneurship, intellectual property, and regulatory strategy. Join them for an information session on February 10th! Continue reading…
SDSU PLAINS REU 2021 program is open to US citizens and permanent residents pursuing a baccalaureate or associate degree in any STEM Discipline. REU student participants will be engaged in an intensive ten-week program that uses High Performance Computing, Big Data, and computational models. Continue reading…
Graduate students at SDSU have a lot of flexibility in choosing courses in Math, Applied Math, and other departments (Physics, Engineering, Biology, Chemistry), and they have an excellent teaching assistant training program. Continue reading…
The NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in the Global Modeling and Assimilation Office is trying to attract an intern to work with Dr. William Jamison and Dr. Thomas Clune over the Summer 2021 term. There are two projects available for this summer. Continue reading…
NASA Summer 2021 Internship applications are now being accepted! NASA internships and fellowships leverage NASA’s unique missions and programs to enhance and increase the capability, diversity and size of the nation’s future STEM workforce. Funding from the Nebraska Space Grant may be available. Continue reading…
The 46th Annual New York State Regional Graduate Mathematics Conference (NYSRGMC) will happen virtually on Apr. 10th. Graduate and undergraduate students from any field are welcome to attend. This year, there will be a poster session for undergraduate folks to present their research work! Continue reading…
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