Ohio State PhD in Mathematics
Application open for Autumn 2022 admission
Program Synopsis & Academic Profile
Over 80 graduate faculty are available to guide dissertation research in virtually every area of mathematics. Prominent areas include topology and topological data analysis, algebraic and analytic number theory, ergodic theory, algebraic and differential geometry, combinatorics, computational mathematics, math biology, differential equations, and analysis. Research and students are supported by numerous NSF CAREER, standard, and training grants.
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Preparation and Tracks
PhD applicants can choose between the theoretical and applied track. The tracks differ in their course requirements but provide the same research opportunities. Theoretical track applicants are expected to have completed year-long sequences in real analysis and abstract algebra. Expected preparation for the applied track include at least one course each in real analysis, advanced linear algebra, and computational science.
Training and Outcomes
Our graduate faculty foster a highly active research environment in which students are introduced to cutting edge research topics, publish papers, forge collaborations, travel to conferences and organize research seminars. A majority of our recent PhD graduates placed in competitive postdoctoral positions at strong research schools in the US like Stanford, UCLA, Brown, Michigan, Northwestern, and Duke, as well as top international institutions such as ETH-Zurich, Peking University, and Max-Planck Institutes. Students interested in non-academic careers benefit from an industry-oriented lecture series and professional training organized by our Erdős Institute.
Student Community
Our students participate in a wide range of academic and social activities, including our Math Grad Student Association, student chapters of the AWM and SIAM and numerous research working groups. New doctoral students have access to a student peer mentor, a shared first-year office, as well as a faculty mentor to coach them through their transition to graduate life following best practices of the National Math Alliance.
Funding and Support
All doctoral students in good standing are guaranteed support as Graduate Teaching Associates, covering tuition and a generous stipend. Numerous non-teaching funding opportunities include University Fellowships, Departmental Fellowships and Graduate Research Associateships. As many as 40% of PhD students have been supported in positions without teaching duties in a single semester.
Ohio State University
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Mathematics
100 Math Tower | 231 W. 18th Avenue | Columbus, OH 43210
math.osu.edu | grad-info@math.osu.edu