Save the Date - Two Upcoming Conferences
We are pleased to announce the following 2024 conferences supported by the National Science Foundation's Mathematical Sciences Institutes Diversity Initiative!
April 18-20, 2024
Hosted by the Institute for Mathematical and Statistical Innovation
The Infinite Possibilities Conference (IPC), a program of Building Diversity in Science (BDIS), is a national conference that is designed to promote, educate, encourage, and support minority women underrepresented in mathematics and statistics.
Participants represent women at all stages of the pipeline, from high school, college, and graduate students; to postdocs and early career faculty; to senior researchers from academia, industry, and government.
Participant Experiences
“It really gave me more push and motivation to finish my degree. I was surrounded by women who were great mentors and inspiration for me.”
“It really helped in planning how to get things done and set priorities. It also helped me not to feel so alone.”
“It was powerful to be surrounded by women of color in advanced math/science field—renewed my spirit and gave me hope.”
“It motivated me to keep on studying for a PhD or MD regardless of any circumstances in life, such as getting married, raising kids, etc.”
November 15-16, 2024
Hosted by the Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics
The biennial Blackwell-Tapia Conference and Prize honors two seminal figures who inspired a generation of African American, Latino/Latina, and Native American students to pursue careers in mathematics—David H. Blackwell, the first African-American member of the National Academy of Science, and Richard A. Tapia, winner of the National Medal of Science in 2010.
The conference recognizes and showcases mathematical excellence by minority researchers, with specific attention to include those raised in the U.S. who have been historically excluded in the mathematical sciences and those who share and reflect their experiences; recognizes and disseminates successful efforts to address underrepresentation; informs students and mathematicians about career opportunities in mathematics; and provides networking opportunities from mathematical researchers at all stages of higher education and career trajectory.
Participant Experiences
“The main thing that I got out of the Blackwell-Tapia Conference is confidence. Having a group composed mainly of minorities organizing and discussing topics in science and mathematics really gave me the ‘I can do it also’ feeling some necessary to keep going in research.”
“I met graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and junior faculty that I have been informally advising and mentoring. This has been a very rewarding experience. In addition, I initiated a new collaboration with a junior faculty member, which I hope will lead to a publication in the near future.”
“I am currently in my penultimate year of graduate school and feel the Blackwell-Tapia conference has greatly inspired me throughout my graduate career. I hope to continue to remain involved after graduate school.”
“The conference strengthened my relationship with colleagues at other universities.”