Dayton Undergraduate Mathematics Day 2023
The 2023 Undergraduate Mathematics Day at the University of Dayton will be held on Saturday, November 4, 2023. Undergraduate Mathematics Day is a biennial event to celebrate all forms of undergraduate mathematics, from research and learning to teaching and history. This biennial event provides an opportunity for undergraduate mathematicians to meet and network with more established mathematicians. We invite talks by both students and faculty.
Undergraduate Mathematics Day is anchored by the Schraut Lecture. Dr. Gizem Karaali, Pomona College, has agreed to deliver the 23rd Kenneth C. Schraut Memorial Lecture; and Dr. Frank Casabianca, National Security Agency and a Visiting Professor at the US Military Academy at West Point, will give the morning plenary talk. The conference will begin at about 8:30 am and end at about 5 pm.
The conference website and registration is https://sites.google.com/a/udayton.edu/musman1/undergraduate-mathematics-day-2023
No registration fee, complimentary lunch, but please register. To register to attend or give a talk go to http://go.udayton.edu/mathevents or scan the QR code.
Registration deadline is Sunday, October 29, 2023.