Zed Factor Fellowship
The Zed Factor Fellowship invites all students interested in aerospace to apply for its 2024 Fellowship program.
The Zed Factor Fellowship is an aviation and space internship and community outreach program for undergraduate students hailing from historically excluded communities and backgrounds. Students selected for the program will receive a 10+ week paid summer or fall internship. The program encourages students in all majors, including STEM, business/marketing, communications/journalism, policy/pre-law, humanities, and social sciences to apply.
Founded by a group of aerospace professionals from diverse backgrounds, the Zed Factor Fellowship empowers and engages learners and aspiring space and aviation professionals through hands-on, practical experiences working in and contributing to the leading companies of the aerospace community. In addition to the internship placement, students will receive mentorship from an executive and young professional in their field and carry out a funded space or aviation-related community engagement project.
Applications are currently being accepted for placement with leading space and aviation companies for Summer 2024 or Fall 2024 internships. More information can be found on our website, and questions can be directed to info@zedfactorfellowship.org. The deadline for applications is January 2nd, 2024.
NEW THIS YEAR: We are excited to announce a Zed Factor Fellowship Application Slack Channel for Class of 2024 applicants. Please complete this sign up form to register for information sessions and the slack channel: https://forms.gle/f6zP7Xpoeo8c2aAN9
The Zed Factor Fellowship Executive Team